Within your internet banking make simple and fast FX exchange at more favourable rates via the R-Flex digital platform.
Why choose R-Flex?
Free of charge
Better exchange rate
FX exchange at more favourable rates than the official exchange rate
Personalized interface
Interface (display) adjustable to your needs
Comprehensive solution
Most frequently used currencies in one place and exchange rate changes shown in real time
Ease of use
Intuitive process that is easy to understand, from registration to trading on the digital platform
Secure service access
Trading in a safe environment of the internet banking. Data of your company’s trading are permanently protected by a strict and verified protocol
Discover more favourable exchange rates
Do not allow constant exchange rate changes to affect your liquidity. Regardless of whether you want to exchange a small amount for your recurring payments or a large amount to invest in some business development, R-Flex provides you with fast and direct access to the FX market. Register and see for yourself.
What does the R-Flex digital platform offer you?
You can make an FX exchange transaction exclusively by yourself and in accordance with the R-Flex General Terms and Conditions.
What do you need to use R-Flex?
Business account at RBA
Internet banking
along with a personalized device with the certificate to authenticate or input authentication
PC with access to internet
which uses Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge browsers
Useful documents
Find handy documents to make agreements as well as some useful information.